You have on display been put
Told to talk to the crowds
Whole theatre to the brim is busy
Dressed fashionably, sat comfortably
They gossip about you and themselves
Are loknghow make buy succes

Behind the scene you standing
And pray: God be with us
Then, pushes into stage
Yet mute are your lips

You looking in crowd a man
Kind, attentive and good
Who will you understand
The man you tell could
The truts you already know

The crowd wants only to know
Ewerything that is sensation
They lives orientation
Tomurders, erotism,crying
They want to leave fate of world
To live in moment the safe
Among those who are not wrong

Finally, theman you see
Who is waiting for you speach
This man has of Jesus face
To the crowd he is invisible
For him is heard your voice
Everything you say to him
But they don’t hear it

They see only move your lips
They think you’re crazy
Silence of the grave falls
Then go away they scream
Spit, trow at you something
You don’t feel at all it
You Jesus look all time

He at you beatiful smile
You’re you in heaven feel
You talk, He to you listens
He prompts you, He advises

Crowd has left already there
Broken the chairs and windows
There who you put here
Already forgotten, are die

You just don’t move your lips
When need, you lound speak
Some you understand,hear
These loved, are friends
Now all you will together

Look next who support you will
You’re going create great dings
So that people move forward
And so descreases the crowds

When next speechless again someone
You will know he looking words truth
The new truth yet don’t we know
To tell the truth will help him God
If him respect, take care this man

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