When want you to leave this world
Don’t see you meaning your life
Let you enlighten the glow
You have diferent way go
This road for you is waiting
It’s yours, not running away
It it’s your dreams beginning
Back them, find tread a ball
Now go you labyrint trough
Where mistakes, your doubst
Pass them, don’t stray from way
Go straight to star your just
Don’t hesitate, don’t delay
Time will non stop, will it runs
Not needed lose don’t be afraid
Balast this things is inaccurate
Don’t try this road anymore
You learn, improve dreams armor
Let be your dreams your strength
Let them protect you and defend
When you cry,you suffer hurt
When as trapped sense you doubt
See you’ll sooner or later
Your goal is geeting closer
For you will faster, easier
You enter wll unlost paradise
Not leave will there happiness
Because your own it’s place
You will them beautify, real make
Will enjoy it, contemplate
You won’t be alone there
Others will come you after
You will there love, friendship
Together will walk you to light
To light the truth of knowing
To light that’s never-dying
Do not forget you, don’t delay
Your road and armor awaits
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I have lived in Poland since I was born. I am a graduate of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Psychology.
I worked as a psychologist with children and adolescents. Now she works with terminally ill people. For years he has been painting pictures, composing music and above all writing. I write poems, short stories, essays and fairy tales for children