Two young women met in the city park, where they requented with their small children.
Mrs.Miriam came here with her almost 4-year-old Andre and was pregnant with abother child.
Mrs. Cecyly was carrying her 2-years-old daughter named Monica herein a pram.
While two ladies were talking to each other, their boy and girl were playing in the sandpit.
11 years have passed and these two children met for the second time at summer camps. Of course,the chldren not remember that they had met before.
Andre was the leader at the camp. This giffted boy organized paratheatrical performances for children and conducted various games andactivities for all the children of this camp. Monica watched Andre in awe.She was delighted when in one of the games Andre with his specific friendly voice, signed her out by name. Andre was interested in Monica and tried to get to know her better,sending her greetings trough other children. And when
the end of camp approaching, Andre gave Monica an invitation to dance together at the farewell ball.
Monica liked to dance very much, she wore her prettiest dress and was happily waiting for Andre. However, the boy did not come to the ball. Monica danced with other boys, but she was still looking around for Andre.
Finaly,their eyes met. Andre was standingon the high balcony of hall and with a very sad expression on his face ,he looked down at the dancing children. Monica did not dare to go to Andre, wanting to forget about him, she continued to dance.
It was not until the next morning Monica received the news that Andre’s father had come to pick up Andre,because Andre’s mother,Mr.Miriam, had died. The boy left with his father and Monica didn’t see him .
The girl missed Andre veru much. Monica moreover, felt remorse: she danced arelessly atthe ball while her beloved boy lamented the death of his mom. The girl did not tell anyone about these felings, she wanted to have this love and shame only for herself.
After a few months, the Day od the Dead was approaching and Monica decided that then ,as if by accident, he will meet Andre. ONn the eve of Day, the girl went to the cemetery after classes. It was then theonly Catholic cemetery in the city. Monica hoped that when shefound Andre’s mother grave, she might meet him one day or the next.
When she entered the cemetery, she felt that had to look for the grave on the right side of the main avenue.Shewent to the end cemetery and systematically read the inscriptions on the tombstones,looking for Andre’s mother name. This, known to her name and surname was engraved very strongly in girl’s imagination.
The cementarywas huge, Monicalong walked from grave to geaveand could not find the tombstone od Mrs.Miriam.
A cold and gray evening was coming.The girl was ready to resign from further searching. And then all of a sudden it happened.
Monica felt like an icy cold breeze embracing her from behind and then twisting her so that she would turn around.
And then she saw that shewas standing in front of Mrs. Miriam’s tombstone.To be sure,she read the date of death. It was all right. The girl went around the grave, looking around to see if there was anyone nearby. No one was there.
Monica began to whisper: Ma’am, I love your son Andre.She also wrote this confessionon a piece of paper and buried it in a hole in the ground of the grave. She clearly felt someone’s presence in this grave.
The girl was so touched by this experience that the next day she didniot g to the cemetery.
She was there in about a year.The grave gavethe impression of being a little neglected.She no longer felt the presence of a being in it.
Years passed. Monica’ s mother oncemetioned that Andre’s father remarried a hunchbacked shop assistant and his children didn’t want her.
Monica was adult, married woman and once had to file a complain over the fone about a certain case. The fone was ansfered by someone who introduced himself as the director of advertised company. It was Andre’s name. Monica recognized the pleasant, warm tone of voice at once. She was so moved that she only whispered her name and surname. Andre fell silent. She couldn’tstand the tension and ended the conversation.
Then she thought with regret about Andre: Such a talented boy ended up as some director of anuninteresting company.It was definitely his father’s fault. Andre was the eldest of a large group og sibilings, additionaly increased by two children of the unwanted stepmother. Andre’s father,alsoamanina rather high position, apparently did not care much about his children.
A dozen or so years passed andMonica had the opportunity to meet Adre’s stepmother.She learned from her that after the deathof Andre’s father, his children chased her out of the house. She also learned that Andre and his wife were already dead,both of them were in poor health.
Monica rembered the ghost of Andre’s mother. The encounter with this spirit was decisive in the fact that Monica and Andre never met again. Did the spirit want it, or maybe on the contrary, did it want their meeting and love (?).

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