
The next day was Sunday. Elon’s family ate breakfast, Elon’s dad started to say: I have a very good idea.I want to create a Museum named after Brother John in our city, where people could see his memorabila, his writings,photos and films, all minerall collections, herbaria, masks and shaman costumes.
Elon and his older brother Andre shouted in delight: Dad, this is a absolutey great idea! And where would this
museum be? As a city architect , we sure that you already know!
Dad said: I think I know, but I need to check with the mayor.
And Elon’s mother, who was the mayor’s secretary assured thas she would tell the mayor everything on Monday morning.
Elon’s dad also said: I’m going to call Reni’s parents and Mrs.Susy and invite them to dinner at restaurant by the park. I want them eyerythingt told about my idea. They joined me and we worked together to develop a preliminary project for the museum. Then we will go with this project to Abbot Joseph and the mayor.
Dad called Reni’s parents and Mrs. Susy.They too were delighted with the idea and agreed to meet for dinner.
Elon ,Reni, the dog Trolly and Fyfy the pig met after dinner in the park by the pond with swans. They fed them and told everything about brother John’s birds and treasures and about Elon’s father ‘s idea.
Swans were delighted. Other children who were in the park and listened to this stories. Children said: We will tell our parents and colleaquess at school.It will be in the school newspaper.
In the evening Elon’s and Reni’s parents and Mrs.Susy met at the restaurant. The children were with them and Elon’s father bought them large portions of ice cream.
Reni’s parents were teachers. Her father taught physics to young people in high school and Reni’s mother taught the children to play the piano in music school.
Reni, Elon and his brother Andre listened to their parents conversation.
Reni’s mother suggested the idea of arranging the museum in closed buildings after military barracks, which were adjacent to the botanical garden on the outskirts of the city. She said: And in the garden you could build large conversatories for brother John’s birds. These birds have become friendly with each other, it would be a pity to separate them.
Mrs.Susy said: My son Peter reconciled me with my former husband, the director of the circus. He no longer wants to run a circus but wants to arrange an asylum for his animals. He is rich,he could buy land between the barracks and the river and build an asylum there. Adults and children exclaimed with great enthusiasm: Oh, that would be just wonderful ! And Reni and Elon added: We want there to be a real shelter for homeless dogs and cats.And to create a school for animals where they would learn to write, read, count, history, geography and biology !
This idea disturbed adults. They said that there are no such schools in the world yet. And Andre said: We will be first. I’m finishing high school this year and going to college. I will chose animal psychology and pedagogy.I will be able to teach lessions in such a school.
Mrs.Susy added: My husband Jeremy will be able to organize this school and also teach there, he knows the languages of animals.
After dinner ,, everyone returned home happy and smiling. The children told everything to the Trolly and Fyfy.
Now they to began to dream of a museum,conserwatoty for birds,shelter and asylum for animals, a school for animals. It’s a wonderful project that’s what everyone thought.
On Monday morning Elon’s dad called Abbot Joseph and they made an appointment. Elon’s dad also took Reni’s dad and in the evening they drived to monastery. Abbot Joseph was enthusiastic about the idea. He said: John’s treasures , his books and his birds will find their proper, worthy place.Our order will contribute financially and organizationally to this project.The mayor is a pupil of our monastic school and will certainly support this project. Brother John was a teacher, he taught the mayor.
Reni’s mother told everything to the students of the music school. They came up with the idea of organizing a picnic where, among other things,their concert would be. At the picnic there would be picnic bowes and cans to collect money for the purchase of land, renovation and construction of the asylum, museum and school.
Reni’s father told everything to the students of his school.Scouts and others also decided to have a picnic,sport competition and a ball with cotillions. There would also be collected money tohelp implement Elon’s dad’s ideas.

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