Enemy people next are dancing
You are drowsily this watching
I like wild this wild, antiqye rhythm
And go to dance with them, I free

I want to make friends in dance
I want show them we have chance
Communicate little other each
And start this process with me

Their taboo be with me prohibits
My hand they pretend not to se
Finally to grab but wan’t it to see
With them a strang woman dancing

I’m learning to dance like them
The same turns, jumps and steps
The same beating our hearts
It’s wrong I’m dancing with them ?

Becouse you are still reluctant
And by my actens not convinced
None of you will go to dancing
Cultures strangeness doesn’t for this

I’m dancing with themis wrong ?
Enemy people, enemy mens ?
Is still a taboo to strong
The same beating our hearts

A carefree, joyful this moment
We will remember forever
We, kids of the same Earth
Separated by ancient hatred

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